
Monday, September 5, 2011

It's Alive!

I notice there has been an update to my Wikipedia article.

Some of the incidents they cite are ridiculously minor and inconsequential and have no bearing on much of anything significant in my work or my past. I can see no reason at all why they need to be recorded until the end of time.

But, to be fair, there are still no outright lies, and no links to clearly malicious and unreliable sources with agendas, so fine. Whatever floats their boat. The article is still locked, and at least the Goat Dancers won't be able to play with it.

That is all I ever asked--that Wikipedia not tell lies about me, or direct readers to people who do, which in my opinion is a perfectly reasonable corollary.

But it's an interesting indication that someone or something is still concealing itself out there in the tall grass, waiting until it thinks I have lost interest and moved on for its opportunity to spring out of hiding and lay a large steaming patty of poop all over my article, yet another attempt made by Goat Dancers and lefty dweebs to seize control of the narrative of my life and career.

It's a reminder that constant vigilance--and this blog--will always be necessary.

-Harold A. Covington
(Please note--real signature, not
geeky Wikipedia-editorish pseudonym.)

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